Letters – Episode 36 2013

Below are the letters from Episode 36 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.

Hello Panellist,

Can someone please tell me what happened to Sunday? It was a day for community traditionally and also the most significant weekend day to relax, sleep in, get together with family and friends and rest before the week’s grind began again.

I was driving last Sunday and I could not believe how bad the traffic was right throughout the day. It was indistinguishable from hectic week day traffic jamming.  I was disgusted.

Prior to the big retailers getting their way, there was never any traffic on the road on Sundays except for days such as Mothers’ or Fathers’ Day. Why have our dickhead politicians allowed this to happen? They have killed families relaxing together because now my 16 year old daughter is made to work all day Sunday under threat of not have her part time job at all, if she doesn’t. Churches and places of worship are suffering declines because the economic priorities of the big corporations have had sway with the short sighted politicians.

Am I part of the silent majority who feels the super big business dollar has seduced our politicians into killing off Sundays, or doesn’t anyone else feel this way. I really miss my the richness of the time spent  with all my family together on Sundays

Campbell, North Beach, WA

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