Hey Panellists,
I live in what is a very multicultural street and all the neighbours are “good” neighbours and we are all very lucky to get along very well.
I don’t celebrate Christmas and haven’t for many years. I’m an Atheist.
My neighbours are of different religions yet it seems they all have the Christmas spirit. So when I think it’s all bunk please tell me what is it that I’m missing? My Jewish neighbours give me presents every year. It’s lovely!! My Muslim neighbours give me and my whole family presents every year. My Buddhist next door neighbours never cease to shower us with presents all year round, and again also at Christmas.
I don’t celebrate Hanukah or Ramadan, and I can’t because I refuse to be a hypocrite and that’s why I don’t do Christmas but my wife says it’s a mean spirit in me that sees me being the Christmas Scrooge?
So Panel please, what is it that I’m missing and is there a way to get this Christmas spirit thing without being a hypocrite?