Dear Panel,
I have always considered my family life, the foundation of what a family should be. My parents have such a loving relationship and gave me, my brother and sister, a very charmed & happy upbringing. The thing I treasured most about my upbringing is my parents and how they got along. So many of my friends had to deal with their parents breaking up and were envious of our family. My mum and dad celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary 2 months ago and everyone was mesmerized by how much they were still in love.
Last week I was out with my best friend and a few others at a little jazz bar. The night was going so well until one of my friends said in mild disgust: ‘That’s so off. Those two should get a room.”– We all turned round to have a look at a guy who looked like he was about to get to 3rd base, and to my horror, the guy was my dad! I turned away, pretending I didn’t see and both anger and shock set in. I just wanted to leave, then one of my friends said that the guy really looks like my dad. Then everybody was fixated on this couple practically dry humping in public. I just wanted to die. When the light came on my dad turned to get his jacket off the back of his seat and looked directly at me.
The next day and for the last 8 days he has said nothing as if it didn’t happen. I have lost so much respect for him. What I’m most concerned about is my mum, she is so devoted to my dad. I can’t bear to be in the same room as him. I’m so conflicted. Do I tell my mum? Given all my friends saw, it’s only going to be a matter of time until she finds out anyway. Is the news better coming from me or should I stay out of it?