Letters – Episode 32 2018

Below are the letters from Episode 32 2018. Have your say on these topics in the comments section.

Dear Sweet and Sour,

What are we coming to? This younger generation is just learning how to become more and more people unfriendly and looking for ways to be just that. I was brought up in a well-mannered household and I was taught to shake hands with people on meeting and on departing.

I was in a government department yesterday and I was being attended to by a young lady, who didn’t seem too much be enjoying her role dealing with the public, as she didn’t smile the entire time she served on the counter, with me or any previous person. She was efficient and thorough I must admit but when I went to thank her and put forward my hand to shake hers in thanks; she looked at my hand, then back at me and asked in a very offended manner, “Why do you wish to assault me! I’ll have to call my supervisor.”

I was so appalled and shocked, I said to the supervisor that they had all my details if they wanted to press charges, they knew where to find me?? What did I do wrong here? From when did shaking hands constitute something so politically incorrect? What is in the mind of young people today? What have they learnt? Please let me know if I’m out of step. I’m still in shock.


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