Below are the letters from Episode 38 2013 Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.
Dear Panellist,
Everyone in Gen Y is a selfish self centred major A-hole with very few exceptions.
I run a retail outlet and have a rental property near the uni that I lease out, so I deal with Gen Y’s all the time. They will without fail apply for a job, not turn up for the interview, or once successful not bother to turn up to start. All without the courtesy of letting me or anyone know.
With renting to them it’s the same. They’ll book a time to view the apartment and not bother turning up. My nephew who is a very clever boy, is dirty on Gex X’s and baby boomers because as he sees it, we’ve lived the life of plenty and left bugger all for the Gen Y’s, and they are the ones who will have to pay for our pensions etc etc. Then of course I realised he’s just being a Gen Y and wanting everything easy and looking at my generation and feeling that he should be entitled to all that he sees us enjoying. Yet what he doesn’t see, is how hard and for how long we have worked? Please explain to me panel, why are our kids are like this and are they capable of changing???
Alex, Coogee, NSW
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