Letters – Episode 37 2013

Below are the letters from Episode 37 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.

Dear Panellist,

What else can I do? I’ve done my best to never utter a single self deprecating thought in front of my two young daughters, aged 11 and 8, about my weight or shape, but still, other experiences from outside the home have crept in and last week, my 11 year old sat at the dinner table and said that she needed to lose some kilos because apparently she’s got so fat!!

My youngest then parroted the same, and said that she is also fat and has to get skinnier!! What do I do now that they have this negative body image issue in their heads. Their dad and I both reacted positively at the table, smiled and reassured the two of them that neither was fat, that they were perfect, and reinforced how really lucky they both have been for eating correctly and not over indulging in junk food and lollies.

My eldest’s instant come back was to say, “You just say that because you’re parents but all the kids at school think I’m fat”. What can I do now? How do little girls become so obsessed? How can I correct this damaging thinking now?

Amanda, North Cottelsoe, WA

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