Below are the letters from Episode 35 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.
Hello Panellist,
Please explain why some women will only go for married men. My girlfriend who is constantly chasing and bedding married men, knows that she then falls in love with them and will invariably be hurt by them. She will even run back to the same married man who has previously used and discarded her. But still, she will target or allow herself on the social scene, to be targeted by an attached man.
She’s continually plays with fire and often becomes so deranged, in my eyes at least, that she will contact the man’s wife or partner on facebook just to make friends and then tease or threaten the man with that. Time after time I have counselled her after she’s been so depressed because of being dumped, and I’m exhausted because it keeps happening. Then I find out that there are so many of these 40 something year old women doing this. Please help me understand why they do this and let me know what I can do or say to help her overcome this behaviour?
Marlene, Surrey Hills, NSW
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