Letters – Episode 34 2013

Below are the letters from Episode 34 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.

Hello Mitch,

Is it true once a cheater always a cheater? I hope not but I need some direction here to make sure that I nip this possibility in the bud!

My 16 year old son is in his second last year at high school and he’s a pretty normal and average student. Last week one evening he said to me that he was studying for a history test that he was to have the following day. Well he finished studying very quickly and was back to his computer and gaming also very quickly. Without asking I went to his room to grab a pen out of his pencil case and found a whole heap of cheat notes on his history topic!

I almost died. I have no idea why he would feel the need to cheat. I don’t know how long this has been going on but if he’s doing it in history he’s obviously doing it in every subject. It’s never going to help him. My dad always told me there is no such thing as a short cut in life. And that’s proven to me every single day. What can I do to change his crash course to hardship which this invariably leads to. I know at this age he cheats on his girlfriend too. Am I too late?

Delys, Homebush, NSW

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