Below are the letters from Episode 19 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.
Dear Panel,
My Italian in-laws are beautiful people. They would give you everything they own if you needed it. I love them totally but my kids just don’t want to be anywhere near them. Once the kids hit their teenage years they became embarrassed to be seen anywhere near their Nonno and Nonna. I know half the reason is they my in-laws are just so very, very loud. It comes from spending their formative years in rural Italy where they shouted to everyone in the fields where they worked. I have also been embarrassed on occasions, but I’m aware that they mean well and the loudness is not aggression, or anger.
So you see, when my kids got to teenage years they wanted to hide every time Nonna met one of their friends. The kids are now all in there 20’s but still don’t want to be around the grandparents, and Nonno and Nonna are starting to feel that the kids don’t like them. I can see the hurt in their faces. They aren’t going to live forever but I just don’t know how to heal the great divide between my kids and their grandparents.
The 3 kids each have boy and girlfriends and none of their partners have ever met Nonno and Nonna? I need to bring them altogether but what could I do please?
Celine, Burnside, SA
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