Letters – Episode 18 2013

Below are the letters from Episode 18 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.

Dear Panel,

Can someone please tell me what it is that makes a stalker? I have a male friend who is a clever student at Uni with me who would joke with me often that he was stalking out another, with whom he’s developed a  mad infatuation!! Affectionately I called him my stalker mate.

Now I find that it’s really not so funny, as I have been subjected to a stalking incident for which I had to call in police. Thankfully my episode is over but now since my experience I can’t find anything funny about my friend joking about stalking. He doesn’t get how threatening I felt when it happened to me. We’re still great mates but he thinks I’m having attitude and nothing else. So please tell me how do I get him and all my friends to understand how unfunny, joking of stalking really is? And what really is in the head of those males and females who stalk out others?

Penny, Seaforth, SA

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