Letters – Episode 17 2013

Below are the letters from Episode 17 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.

Dear Panel,

I was flummoxed  to read that a recently conducted survey suggested that many Aussie women were against one night stands.  They thought that a woman had to be really desperate to give in to a guy so easily.  Since when did we go back to the dark ages? I enjoy a very liberated sex life and I don’t think there is anything wrong with me. I determine who I go to bed with and that can be on the first night or not.

Should I be burnt at the stake for being a strong woman in control?  Even my best friend thinks I’m a bit ‘easy’. Why are there still one set of rules for men and another set for women?  A man is a hero, the more women he conquers the better, but apparently a woman is and will always be considered a slut.

Kimberly.   Hilton, SA

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