Letters – Episode 16 2013

Below are the letters from Episode 16 2013. Click Here to Watch our Panel discuss these topics and share your thoughts on the letters below.

Hello Mitch and Panelist,

I have a very close friend who insists on going out at least twice a week to find men. I think she’s a sex addict. She hates the fact that none of the guys she meets and takes home ever want to talk to her again and they certainly turn the other way when they see her the next time. I have fairly strong feelings for her but I won’t go anywhere near her in that way or even broach the subject until she grows out of this constant one night stand sex fetish.

She’s a really good friend and I hate seeing her treat herself with such little respect. Perhaps she continues because she can’t find a guy who will stay with her.  I know I’m constantly jealous all the time but I still say nothing. Should I open my mouth or should I keep mum and wait until she’s past it?  I know she’s hurting herself by looking for love in all the wrong places. I just need certainty before I can intervene, I don’t want to be hurt myself.

Craig, Brighton Vic

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